

What is Messianic Judaism?


Messianic Judaism finds its connection to the Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible, through its emphasis on the fulfillment of messianic prophecies and the continuity of Jewish faith. One significant aspect that ties Messianic Judaism to the Tanakh is its belief in the resurrection from the dead, which has roots in the faith of Abraham.

In the Tanakh, Abraham is depicted as a central figure in Judaism, known for his unwavering faith and his covenant with G-d. One instance that highlights his faith in resurrection is found in the book of Genesis (Genesis 22:1-19). In this account, Abraham is tested by G-d and instructed to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac. However, just as Abraham is about to carry out the sacrifice, an angel intervenes and provides a ram as a substitute. This episode demonstrates Abraham's faith that G-d has the power to resurrect and provide an alternative to death.

Messianic Judaism sees Yeshua as the fulfillment of the messianic prophecies and the culmination of G-d's plan for redemption as outlined in the Tanakh. This includes the belief in Yeshua' resurrection from the dead, which is regarded as a significant event that validates his Messianic identity and offers hope for eternal life.

Drawing on the faith of Abraham, Messianic Judaism sees Yeshua' resurrection as the ultimate demonstration of G-d's power over death and the fulfillment of the promises found in the Tanakh. It underscores the continuity of Jewish faith in the G-d of Abraham and affirms the belief that through the Messiah, followers can have a restored relationship with G-d and a hope for eternal life.

These elements are deeply rooted in the Jewish faith and play a vital role in the understanding of Messianic Judaism.

  • Jewish People: Messianic Judaism upholds the importance of Jewish identity and affirms the chosenness and unique role of the Jewish people in God's plan. It acknowledges the historical and cultural heritage of the Jewish people, emphasizing the continuity of the covenant relationship between God and Israel as established in the Tanakh. Messianic Jews consider themselves part of the larger Jewish community and aim to maintain their Jewish identity while embracing the Messiah.

  • Torah (Law): The Torah, the divine Law given to Moses, holds a central place in Messianic Judaism. Messianic Jews study and seek to live in accordance with the teachings and commandments of the Torah. They recognize the ongoing relevance of the Torah as a guide for righteous living, moral conduct, and spiritual growth. While they believe that Yeshua fulfilled certain aspects of the Law, they also respect and seek to observe the commandments that are applicable to their lives.

  • The Land of Israel: Messianic Judaism often emphasizes the importance of the land of Israel in its teachings and practices. They recognize the historical and biblical significance of the land as part of God's covenant with Abraham and the Jewish people. Many Messianic Jews have a deep love for Israel and actively support its well-being. They may participate in efforts to promote the welfare of Israel, express solidarity with the Jewish people, and foster a connection to the land.

By integrating these elements into their faith, Messianic Judaism seeks to embrace both the fulfillment of messianic hope through Yeshua and the enduring Jewish heritage as expressed through the people, the Torah, and the land of Israel. They view their faith as a continuation of the biblical narrative and seek to honor the foundations of Judaism while embracing the revelation of the Messiah within that context.